Monday, April 7, 2014

Clearly my NYE resolution to keep a 365 day online journal has absolutely failed.

Big surprise with me, eh?

Anyone who knows me knows that I clearly have commitment issues in a lot of areas and specifically when it comes to online journals. I'm just not that interesting of a person and I feel like I usually turn these into one fat complaint about this or that. Who wants to read that kind of stuff? I'm literally not crafty (anymore). I don't have a fantastic fitness regime (ask my boyfriend, he'll tell you straight out what he thinks about that). I don't bake or cook. I'm literally the most boring person to be reading about.

With that being said, I have two followers. Two followers who I have known for years and who will be there to give words of courage and support if I need it.

So with THAT being said, it's my blog and if I want to turn it into one big complaint, I will. If I want to blog every 40 days, I will. It's my life, I'll do what I want, eh?

As much as I want to start typing up a storm, I just have nothing to say.

So, until next time.

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